Fit Truffles


500g dates, dried

500g oatmeal

100g peanut butter

50g cocoa

100g coconut oil

250g almonds

100g coconut shavings

100g dark chocolate

10g chilli flakes

85g almond flakes

  • makes 25
  • Easy

Karina Targosz, Main Dietitian, Compass Group Poland:

"For the past 10 years, U.S. News & World Report has been ranking the best diets. In 2020, it's the Mediterranean diet, the Dash diet and flexitarianism, respectively.

This recipe fits with these three ways of eating because it contains plant protein and is a way of easily modifying traditional sweets. Additionally, these truffles can be made from a variety of products you currently have in your kitchen.

The base is dates and the rest depends on your creative invention. It's also a fun recipe to do with the children!"


  1. Pour warm water over dates and let stand for 20 minutes until softened.
  2. Grind the almonds into flour.
  3. When the dates are softened, add the oats, ground almonds, cocoa, coconut shavings.
  4. Then add coconut oil so that you can form balls
  5. Roll the balls through the flaked almonds, top with chocolate and sprinkle with chilli flakes.