5 Questions with CFO Andrew Large
1. What motivated your personal interest in sustainability and food waste reduction?
I don’t think we can deny that climate change is real. By reducing how much food we waste hopefully we can have a positive impact on global warming. On a day-to-day level, it just makes good economic sense! Using all your food= spending less in the long run; and as finance guy this is a win win!
2. Can you share a story about a food waste hero who inspired you?
Food Recovery Network are a wonderful organization, recovering perishable food from our college accounts and donating it people who need it in the local community. So impressed when I saw these guys!
3. What change have you made personally to be more mindful?
Freezing leftovers! Just an easy way to make sure you finish everything. We prepare and cook less = better on the waste line!
4. What will it take for America to make food waste a priority?
Getting the word out there that 40% of food produced in the Unites Stated ends up wasted. 40%.......that is almost half of all food produced!!

5. What is one small change every person can make in their daily lives to make a big difference
Meal plan- knowing exactly how you’re going to use the food so you can shop for just what you need. Plan ahead and by doing so it actually takes the chore out of what to cook (plus by keeping a record you have menu/recipe items you can refer back to for inspiration!)